Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pandering much?

The New York papers are buzzing after former Mayor Rudy Giulani announced he is rooting for the Red Sox in the World Series claiming to be sticking with the American League. He told the Boston area crowd,
"I'm an American League fan, and I go with the American League team - maybe with exception of the Mets. Maybe that would be the one time I wouldn't, because I'm loyal to New York." (source)
Pulling for a certain league is a totally fine if the team in the World Series was say, the Indians. But the Red Sox, your arch rival? Come on! And I'm glad that he noted he's loyal to New York so he doesn't root for the Mets. Let's see which team would a Yankee fan be more upset about, the Red Sox or the Mets? Hmmm...

This act is an example of a bigger problem in politics and it reminds me of girl from Chicago who became a Yankees fan when she ran for Senate in New York. I think her name was Hillary. Rudy, it's ok to have sports convictions. People won't slight you because you're a Yankees fan. But I will slight you for rooting for the Red Sox in the World Series. It shows that you are too easily swayed by popular opinion and will do whatever it takes to get votes. But what does this say about you when you're in the oval office. Will you continue to pander to popular opinion or will you stick to your guns in order to take care of American citizens?

It's been fun blogging with you,

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