Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Beg, Barrow and Steal

After reading about the Indianapolis Colts Super Bowl Ring give-a-way, I began to think, "What would make me run around a city doing stupid things?" Well, I realized it doesn't take much. Just a few things like this:

1. Keys to a Dale Earnhardt, Jr. tricked out Corvette. A bonus if Junior was to hand over the keys in person, but not a necessity. Even better if he were to drive the Corvette on a race track with me in the passenger seat.

2. A date with either Grady Sizemore, Joe Mauer, Curtis Granderson, Nick Markakis or Ryan Braun. And if game day tickets were included, I may even eat something from Fear Factor.

3. Box seats to a Super Bowl where the New York Giants actually win. If they lose, I will be expecting some sort of refund.

4. Dance lessons from Johnathan Papelbon. If he insists on wearing a kilt, he'll also have to rock the jeans underneath otherwise the deal is off!

5. A guest spot on my favorite show, Friday Night Lights. (Which airs Fridays at 9 PM/est on NBC)

It's been fun blogging with you,

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