Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hell to the no! Starbucks to close its stores

As many of you may know, I have a very slight addiction to the delicious cinnamon dolce frapaccino served at Starbucks. The light refreshing taste helps me push through those early morning blues and sometimes propels me through that 4 o'clock swoon. If you're anything like me (and I doubt many people can compete with my weekly deposits to the bank of Starbucks) I thought it only be fair to remind you that today, February 26, 2008, Starbucks will be closing its doors to 7,100 stores from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. The stores will hold a teach-in in part to help jump start the faltering coffee chain. Don't worry at 8:30 the doors will once again open so you can get that late night buzz to help you with your study plans or whatever.

It's been fun blogging with you,

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