Friday, January 11, 2008

Call it a lesson learned, Marion

Marion Jones learned an important lesson on Friday, you don't mess with the US government. It's something my mom told me when I was debating whether I wanted to deal with my taxes last year (I filed them Uncle Sam, you can check). She told me "You can screw around with you credit card bill, forget to pay your electricity, but you don't screw around with the government."

Ms. Jones' lawyers had pleaded with prosecutors to spare her from being locked up claiming she had been through enough. But the federal prosecutors weren't in the giving spirit. And thanks to Marion's lying under oath, she'll be spending the next six months in jail. For her sake, I hope she's heading to Camp Cupcake where Martha Stewart infused her homemaking skills on the inmates at large.

Marion, you don't get any sympathy from me. You can lie to Barbara Walters or Mike Wallace but you can't lie to the government. Roger Clemens, I hope your taking notes!

It's been fun blogging with you,

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