Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Deal is Off

After waxing poetically about the loss of Petty Enterprises, it turns out I spoke too soon, well rather I wrote too soon. A deal that would have merged Petty and Gillett Evenham Motorsports and basically wipe Petty off the Nascar map is reportedly off. And the news at GEM isn’t getting any better. The team is planning its own set of layoffs which could include up to 50 employees. In addition they will cut their Nationwide Series program with the #10 piloted by Reed Sorenson to just a partial schedule in 2009.

With all of the reduced schedules and cutting of Nationwide Series programs entirely, next year’s races will feature like 10 cars. Nascar could be in some serious trouble if they don’t come together as a sanctioning body and start figuring some things out. And that means more than just banning testing and creating less cost consuming cars. There are some fundamental issues that must be addressed.

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