Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It’s not all rosy in the NFL

Everyone always talks about how the NFL is the model for modern sports leagues. About the TV ratings and revenue, the near sell-out attendance, how it is the number 1 sport in America. Well even the number 1 sport is not immune to the economy. As announced on December 9, 2008, the League has reduced its staff by 15 percent but that wasn’t enough for Roger Goodell. The no-nonsense commissioner has voluntarily decided to take a 20% pay cut from his $11 million salary and bonuses from last year. Furthermore, he and a number of league executives have frozen their salaries for 2009. A worthy move for a commissioner I have grown to embrace - who doesn’t love a guy who decides that players that act like five year olds should be reprimanded as such - but I don’t know if it will make the recently unemployed feel better.
(Photo: David Duprey/Associated Press; source)

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