Friday, August 08, 2008

Things I learned at the Tokio Hotel Concert

1) If parents are camped outside the concert waiting for their kids, I am probably too old to attend a concert.
2) If the 'drinking' section of the club is less packed then the non-drinking, see above.
3) 13 Year old girls, in groups, are loud.
4) If a band has one English language album, I should be surprised if the show lasts like an hour and fifteen minutes.
5) 18 and 19 year old German boys rock harder then their US counterparts.
6) Even in Germany, putting out barstools on stage means it's time to take the show down a notch.
7) Tokio Hotel likes New Jersey and promised they would come back and said that I should be there too.
8) If you chant Tokio Hotel really fast, you sound dumb.
9) Tokio Hotel haven't played a club show in a while (thus the stadium-sized facial expressions and stage struts).
10) German music sounds better in German.

(Sent in by Howard. If you're going to a concert or sporting event, send your things I learned to

It's been fun blogging with you,

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