Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yeah, but what can I get for $5?

How about nothing. But for a mere $1,499 you can get a pair of seats from the Old Yankee Stadium. Want a specific seat of seats, well that will cost you $500 more. What about sod you may ask. Well a 2 x 2 foot sod package will run you $749. (1 x1 foot is only $120) And freeze dried grass? That’s a bargain at $80. All of this and more can be yours if you know the right price and the right website (http://auctions.steinersports.com) after the Yankees announced they will be auctioning off every inch of the Old Yankee Stadium that is not essential to holding the almost centuries old ballpark together.

And just think for $1,250 you get a luxury seat at the new Yankee Stadium and you don’t even get to unbolt it an bring it home with you after the game.
(Photo: AP; source)

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