Monday, September 15, 2008

Witchcraft and Wizardry at a Soccer Match in the Congo

11 people were killed at a soccer stadium in Betumbo in the Eastern Congo after a goaltender attempted to use witchcraft to win the game on Sunday. Nyuki club was losing to their local rivals Socozaki when the goaltender “advanced up the field and tried to use ‘fetishist’ spells” to give Nyuki some momentum. The move resulted in a tussle between the rival team's players which forced the popo to intervene. I guess the fans weren’t too happy with the popo and they started to throw things at him, which pissed off the popo and they started to fire teargas into the stands. Not a good call. The teargas caused mass hysteria and a stampede to the exits, killing 11 and injuring several more.

The lesson here is a) if you’re going to perform witchcraft, don’t do it in the middle of the soccer field during a match and b) don’t mess with the popo, because they’re always on your tail!

(Photo: Daily Mail; source)

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